Social Science History

Stephen Haber, David Brady, series editors

The purpose of the Stanford Series in Social Science History is to promote deeper and more enduring foundations for historical social science by publishing a broad range of interdisciplinary research. Toward that end, the works in this series integrate the theoretical and statistical tools of economics, sociology, and political science, with their emphasis on logical consistency and careful hypothesis testing, with the study of institutions and the close attention to gathering data and assessing its quality that has traditionally been the province of historians.

They also cover topics from across the spectrum of the social science and humanities disciplines: economic history and development, political science, sociology, and classics. The goal is to produce works that, individually, shed new light on their specific topic, and, taken as a whole, demonstrate the value of history as cornerstone of the social sciences and the power of social scientific analysis for understanding the past.

This series is closed.

1 - 12 of 23 titles